Learn to Use the Power of Your Mind to Create Change, Health & Wellness
from the Inside Out
Treat Yourself to Change, the Greatest Gift You Can Give Yourself.
Are you experiencing pain, stress, or have trouble sleeping?
Are you experiencing the emotional side-effects of chronic illness
or a Cancer diagnosis?
Do you want to make Changes that allow you to think, feel and do better?
Let's work together so you can live a happier and healthier life.
Click on these links to watch me on Viking T.V. share tips about growing wellness.
The only way to get a better life is to make the life inside ourselves better.
We live our lives inside our head, and yet we spend more time re-decorating our homes and gardens than we do re-modelling our minds. But our mind-body can benefit greatly from a good make-over.
I can teach you to imagine what you want in a way that lights up the same regions in your brain as if you were actually living it. Empowering your imagination can change your brain and your life from the inside out. I can teach you how to use your imagination to mentally rehearse your way to a healthier body, healthier behaviours, healthier thinking and healthier emotions.
Learning how to Imagine effectively creates changes in your brain that can make your past feel better, your relationships easier to manage, and improve the greatest relationship of all, the one you have with yourself.
So how do we jumpstart Change?
Why is it so important to make positive change a constant in our lives? Because every successful effort leads to positive genetic, chemical and biological rewards, in other words, better health and overall well-being.
Consciously, we may have a plan for feeling better, doing better and thinking better; we may want to let go of the past and change habits and beliefs that keep us stuck and unhappy. However, our conscious, analytical mind, with all its´ logic and reason, is not the boss. Its' efforts may not be enough to bring about lasting change.
The subconscious mind is the boss of you. Everyday, it is steering the direction of your day in mysterious and invisible ways. So in order to reach your goals, you need the cooperation of the subconscious mind because it doesn't always have the same agenda you do.
The key to lasting and profound change lies in our subconscious mind, which by the way, is not between our ears. It is everywhere in our body. I like to say that we cannot keep secrets from our organs. The cells in your liver and everywhere in your body are always listening in and being affected by everything you tell yourself, the good and the not so good. We may dream big, but if our body feels unworthy it can be hard to turn dreams into reality.
That's where I can help.
My approach is about teaching people to use mindful awareness, or as I like to call it Mindsitting, as well as other powerful tools to help change their brain, so that it becomes a neurological reflection of who they want to be.
Transformation is more doable than you think, and it begins when you turn off your body's auto-pilot switch. I help people improve their lives and reach their goals by raising awareness about how the mind, brain and body interact and work. We can either shape and re-wire our brain in a way that either works for us or against us.
I can help you ´reprogram´ and ´update´ your subconscious mind and release emotions from your body like anger, fear or regret that can contribute to poor health and unhappiness. I can teach you how to process past experiences and change habits that keep happiness and peace out of reach. This way you can begin to grow empowering emotions, thoughts and behaviours.
Much of the work I do involves emotional change. The emotion of fear is all too common, even when it makes no sense at all. If I can help you change how a past painful or frightening event feels in your body, you can, in a sense, change your past without having to change what actually happened. The meaning we give our memories is what gives them the power to help us or hurt us.
I can help you disable painful memories, so they no longer have power over you. The memories will still be there, but the painful emotional charge disappears. So you can re-write your own, empowering history. So the story you now tell yourself and others is one that makes you feel better about your life. Everyday people, like you and me can learn to create big and tiny miracles of change daily. The journey towards Change begins by honing an attitude that embraces potential and possibility.
Klinisk Hypnose for Bedre Helse og Velvære
Har du emosjonelt stress på grunn av en alvorlig helsetilstand eller bivirkninger av behandlinger du får?
Ønsker du å minke smerter, stress og sove bedre?
Ønsker du å lære å lage positive og varige endringer i hvordan du føler deg, hva du tenker på og hvordan du oppfører deg?
Ønsker du å prestere bedre i idrett, på jobben eller på skolen?
Ønsker du å finne og utvikle de indre ressursene som kan hjelpe deg i å bli den beste versjonen av deg selv?
Alt som skjer i fantasien din opplever kroppen som ekte. I hypnose lærer man å bruke fantasien som et slags verktøy hvor man kan trene mentalt, utfordre og overskride sine egne begrensinger; øve på alt man ønsker å forandre og oppnå. Hypnose er en slags mental trening som skjer mens man befinner seg i en veldig avslappet tilstand.
Du kan du lett lære å hypnotisere deg selv; all hypnose er egentlig selv-hypnose. Det som teller er hvor motivert og villig du er til å nå en tilstand hvor ditt underbevisste sinn blir mer mottakelig overfor positive suggesjoner.
Alle tankene og følelsene våre gir seg utslag i kroppen vår. Energien, humøret og helsen vår er ikke den aller beste når vi lever i kronisk stress, er redde og alltid bekymret for alt det forferdelige som kan skje.
Vårt indre velvære har alt å si med hvor friske, glade og fornøyde vi føler oss. Jeg lærer klientene mine verktøy de kan bruke for å skape det indre miljøet som gjør hverdagen bedre.
Jeg har spesiell trening innen Smertebehandling, Stressmestring og Søvnløshet.
Selv-Hypnose kan hjelpe deg å mestre stress, slik at kroppen slipper å stå i overlevelses modus hele tiden, noe som kan føre til ett nedsatt immunforsvar, søvnløshet og dårligere livskvalitet.
Jeg hjelper klienter som lider av alvorlige sykdommer som for eksempel, leddgikt, irritabel tarm, fibromyalgi og kreft å håndtere fysiske symptomer som smerter og emosjonelle bivirkninger som tristhet og angst, som ofte gjør symptomene verre og kan svekke immunforsvaret.
Har du kreft kan hypnose kanskje hjelpe deg med å lindre symptomer som kan oppstå med sykdommens behandling slik som kvalme, oppkast og smerter.
*Hypnose helbreder ikke og bør ikke brukes til å erstatte medisinsk behandling. Hypnose kan brukes som ett supplement til medisinsk behandling for pasienter som ikke lider av mentale sykdommer.
*Jeg diagnostiserer ikke, behandler ikke sykdommer, helbreder ikke og blander meg ikke i behandlinger som du går igjennom. Du er klienten min, ikke pasienten min.
*I følge Lov om Alternativ Behandling kan jeg hjelpe deg å lindre smerter, styrke immunforsvaret og bedre evnen til selv-helbredelse.
Kontakt meg for å se hvordan jeg kan hjelpe deg å skape varige livs endringer som bidrar til bedre fysisk og emosjonell helse og velvære.